I remember when me and some of my friends went to a festival in my native city, it was called "El festival del tero" which is a silly name because the "tero" (a.k.a. "queltehue") is like a typical bird of that zone so it seems that those persons in charge of the festival had no more ideas to put names and they only saw a bird and they came up with that name lol. This festival was short, it lasted long like 2 days and it was funny. It was some kind of concert because there were so many well-known bands, I don't remember any but I know there were. I remember that I ate a lot, some people usually sell food outside the place and it's very cheap. There were also games for children and of course my friends and I went to play there lol. I don't like places full of people because of.. uhh, I dont like people, so this "festival with friends" was more like a kind of "excuse" to stay with them and spend time with them. I actually don...